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25 Years In Business

Thank You for Your Support Over the Years

From the owner, Dr. Sarah J. Hudson, O.D.:

As Harbor Eyecare Center celebrates 25 years in business I’d like to say:

Thank you to Debbie Tufts for your leadership of our team and kind caring support of each of us and each person who entrusts their care to us. I’m thankful each day to share this journey with you.

Thank you to our founder, Amy Pruszenski, O.D., and the countless folks who assisted in the launch of Harbor Eyecare Center. Dr. Amy, I appreciate the trust you’ve shown me as I’ve led Harbor Eyecare Center forward from our partnership in 2011 and in relinquishing the helm of the ship to me mostly then, and fully in 2020. You established cutting-edge care in 1998 that we will forever exemplify as our mission states.

We thank the community and each person whose patronage is invaluable to us, and whose stories and needs drive us to do what we do.

With thanks as well to each member of our current team and those who have been a part of our work family over the years. Special thanks to Brian Klinger, David Seaton, James Belanger, Susan Haskell, and the current and amazing Rinita Trahan, and Nikolas Moore, the doctors who have shown excellence in eye care and such human compassion to our patients over the years.

I look forward to the next 25!!