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Dry Eye Clinic of Harbor Eyecare Center

Find relief from dry, itchy, irritated eyes.

What is Dry Eye?

Dry Eye Disease or Dry Eye Syndrome is a chronic, progressive condition affecting the surface of the eye. It is most commonly a breakdown in the quality of the tear film which is the eye’s protective coating. Symptoms can range from occasional burning and light sensitivity to episodes of watering and blurred vision. Dry Eye Disease is treatable with a range of therapies. Typically treatment starts with over-the-counter lubrication, warm compresses to open the important oil glands in the lid, and fish oil supplementation to reduce inflammation on the surface of the eye.

Symptoms of Dry Eye

  • Scratchy feeling or grittiness
  • Feeling there is something in your eye(s)
  • Blurry vision
  • Eye fatigue
  • Stinging or burning sensation
  • Watering
  • Contact lens discomfort
  • Fluctuating eyeglass prescriptions
  • Eye discomfort and/or pain
  • Redness
  • Excessive tearing
  • Mucus buildup around the eye

What is Tear Film?

The tear film has three layers that cover, protect, and moisturize the eye:

  • The outer oily (lipid) layer is produced by the Meibomian glands. It prevents the watery layer from evaporating too quickly.
  • The middle (aqueous) layer is produced by the lacrimal glands. It is watery and nourishes and protects the eye with water-soluble proteins and other important components.
  • The inner (mucin) layer spreads the watery layer over the entire eye and allows the tears to stick to the surface of the eye.

Dry Eye occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears, the tears are not of good quality, and/or the tears evaporate too quickly.

If you feel you have symptoms of Dry Eye, we will arrange a more formal Dry Eye Consultation in our Dry Eye Clinic. If the therapy suggested today relieves your symptoms, you may continue it in an on-going fashion. If you have not achieved relief of your symptoms, a more thorough evaluation will be done so that a Dry Eye Plan of treatment can be tailored specifically for you. This visit is considered a MEDICAL visit and every effort will be made to bill your MEDICAL insurance.

Request an appointment today!